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Bits and Pieces

So much to share, it's easy to get behind. Here is a little bit of catch up in the homewares department.

Out for Fifty Linden Friday from {what next}, milkshakes and makers. Two sets of color combos to choose from. Choices of different mixers and different drinks in the packs. PERFECT for the diner!

From the notecard:

* this set is original mesh and requires a mesh viewer. Resizing any of the parts may increase the land impact

* materials ready - you'll need to have advanced lighting enabled in viewer preferences.

* 4 colours of the mixer are included, as well as 6 milkshake glass props for decoration.

* the mixers are static/decorative  and dispense wearable milkshakes to anyone on touch. 

I have had this lovely chair sitting in the snow since the month began. Alas, no appropriate garb arrived for a photo shoot. Maybe that's fitting as this deserves its own place in the spot light. Sunshine will do (says the typists with a foot of snow on her doorstep - oh my!) Find it at 22769 - [bauwerk].  Various colors are available.

Out for The Mens Department from Cheeky Pea, the Debbie Drum Set which with choices of "pop" or "rock" chairs. PG and Adult versions are available.

Go forth. Shop.


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