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The Return of PLACES

Losing the Light - taken at Jericho

One of my favorite parts of photography is playing with light and shadow and depth of field. My self-appointed designation on the SL forums (only half made in jest) is "Windlight Queen".   I have definitely bonded with Windlight over the last twelve year or so, but things are changing.  EEP is in the Linden viewer and will soon be in the mainstream Firestorm viewer.  

Long long ago when Windlight was very new I started sharing my sky settings. Links would appear at the end of my posts with URLs to the sky in the photos.  Folks would download the files from Mediafire and put them in their own viewers.  Places skies eventually ended up in most third party viewers.  Many of these  skies have been added to the Linden EEP viewer and I am guessing many will also be in EEP Firestorm.  

The original zip of skies is still available for download if you want to pick up the zip file. If you are using a non-EEP viewer you have them already and you can import any mising PLACES favorites and turn them into EEP -- USING AN EEP VIEWER of course.   


A lot of my creative friends -- both real life and virtual -- have been having a difficult time in 2020.  Stress and creativity don't work that well together for many -- except of course for some who ONLY seem to be able to make art when the have a show opening deadline :D.    Many of us are pushing ourselves and some have just pulled themselves into a stasis ball in hopes of a better future.  

November looks like a particularly difficult month for many reasons, so thinking ahead as I almost always do, I decided on some personal changes.  While I am not ready to embrace EEP with open arms and smiles, I AM willing to work towards acceptance.  Hence I am reviving the Place Skies -- this time for EEP.   

I am setting up a free vendor for EEP skies in my art gallery (paintings are also free).  I will be adding new skies to that vendor and will note that in my posts.  Right now there is only the one pictured above.  I imported my Windlight setting, tweaked a bit to make the EEP version match a bit closer and saved as a new EEP sky.  This first setting is based on the very lovely day at Jericho; other settings may have very little to do with the region settings.   

***************** NOW THIS IS IMPORTANT ********************

If you are not using an EEP enabled viewer, the folder will APPEAR empty.  And really if you are not using an EEP viewer there is no reason to come pick up those skies *wink*.    


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