H and G

There are some extraordinary new releases this month in the Home and Garden area. Here are a couple of my favorites.
The Trompe Loeil Sidra Cliffside Cottage features two rooms with connecting patio, lots of deck space and the ability to work on hilly land or in water environments. The panels are touch to color change; I chose blue, but you might opt for another hue OR multi-color. The choice is yours. This is a 1024 sized build and weighs in at 92 land impact. The textures are truly amazing!
Find it at COLLABOR88.
If you have been paying attention, you know that Winter Thorn of {what next} has been on a plants kick of late. That makes me VERY HAPPY. This, in theory, is the end of the road for that escapade -- but I am hoping not forever.
These new releases follow the style of their predecessors with texture change pots with the cactus bowl my favorite. So lovely.Some wire planter bases for foliage staging are also in the release.
These too can be found at COLLABOR88.
You can probably get in there soon! One can hope *wink*.