All That Glitters

The All Hallows Eve, Day of the Dead celebrations have past and the winter holidays are on their way. Those with stores and public venues are already thinking bout this year's decor. Fashionistas "may" be planning their outfits for the busy festive season. If so here are some winners.
From Baiastice, the Annie Combo Set which has lots of choices including sheer and solid blouse and on-off mini skirts. Find all the pretty colors at FaMESHed.
I love all the Stories&Co. Signature Latex and Vinyl Leggings; so many pretty hues and a stylish sleek fit. But my very favorite is this gold version. Happily one of the new Annie tops is a great companion.
My holiday Tree Trio and wrapping paper box are part of a big release from ChiC buildings at Cosmopolitan.
Glasses: HAYSURIZA Eyewear Play with gold
Hair: eXxEsS : Ferrara
Pose by: Emozine