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It's December!

There has been a lot going on in my corporeal family and I almost missed the start of December!  How can that be?

Advent starts today -- note that lots of "Advent" calendars have fairly hefty prices for the "gifts" so pay attention :D.     

Most of the landmarks in the advent lists were nowhere near their calendars so be prepared to hunt some. 

Seraphim List - scroll down
FabFree List (open links in new tab or page or use your back button to get back to the list. I found this one the easiest to sift through :D)

There are tons of new to me stores taking part this year and also a lot of folks who have been -- let's say  "Advent Active" that are gone so those of you with time, energy and inclination can have fun discovering (perhaps) some treasures. 

Not visible as of yet in the Advent Lists -- MINIMAL is having a calendar this year.  This is NOT a free group but most of the older and great group gifts are still available on the wall near the center of the store.  This is today's gift. 

I just looked up the group fee (I joined many years ago) and it is a heart-stopping 499 but from what I have seen so far it may be one of the best of the calendars of the year so letting the folks with deep pockets know LOL.


My cute bag with hold is the 12. Pine Bag Paper from Havoc. You can pick it up along with some tree suckers as free group gifts at Tres Chic.  Look for a poster near the stairs. 

My outfit is very vintage and NLA.  Yes, looking for some new holiday duds; fingers crossed. 

Pose by: Helamiyo and he bag


Hallebose said…
I want deep pockets lol

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