Holiday Gifts

I logged in today to find some very nice group gifts awaiting me. Holidays are fun and presents are even better. From Hatpins there were two versions of a festive top hat. The red trim matched perfectly with the lipstick from one of Tuli's newest gifts -- a sample of Kalista, the new updated skin line. I really like these face tattoo skins that are becoming popular.

I zipped over to Sn@tch to pick up the newest group gift there. Find it by the lucky chairs. A long skirt version is in the pack. All these lovely gifts called for a really different photo spot. So, I looked in my long list of takeapictureheresomeday landmarks to find this oh so clever giant makeup set at Symphony Skins.
All in all a fun if brief outing. Shown with Juicy slingbacks.
If I don't post again soon -- have a GREAT holiday!