Free Fashion
The JUMO Originals - VIOLA Gown - comes with fits for LaraX, Lara, GenX and GenX Curvy and is a group gift. Very pretty this is well-rigged for a long slim dress and walks pretty well. Woot. So perfect for hot summer evening to come.
And here is the story part:
A few days ago I was searching through my groups to see if there were any gifts to show you. While wandering through I noted that I had TWENTY available groups free when normally it would be around seven. I guessed that somehow The Lab gifted us non-premium folks with more groups. That may or may not be true but I have seen no mention of it on the forums and it would seem that would be a hot topic.
Then this morning when I went to pick up the gift. was no longer in my groups. I did not purposely delete it and now I am wondering if some of those free groups are ones I am no longer a member of. There could also of course be some groups that disbanded as creators quit working or left but a drop that big seems odd. Maybe the answer will come --- maybe not.
The group only has a 10 linden join free so it wasn't a big deal.