The Greens of Spring
The color wheel has spun and found itself back in green territory for week 16 of our 52 color palette. This was not an easy outfit for me. I love these colors, I truly do. Somehow, despite my adoration, they are missing from my inventory. Happily I found enough pieces to complete a look. It is easy and carefree and I have been wearing it often this week. To be fair it isn't "exactly" Electric Lime, but close will have to do this week.
Working on a magical pond has been my focus these last few days. I hope to have it on the oceanfront sometime soon, but for now it is housed in a surround skybox which is both cozy and comforting. It will likely make it to the Marketplace sometime in the not too distant future, but today it is simply my personal retreat and backdrop.
I am attached to my new project as I am to my new outfit. The process has been a joy and the discovery rewarding. Much of my morning was spent at the Particle Laboratory, a long time established place of learning that I somehow skipped in my SL education. With the help of visuals, examples and notecard, I finally found just the right combination for my misty hot pool. Poses have been added to various rocks and relaxing is just a click away. The pool isn't finished yet. More effects are on the To Do list, and despite my best efforts I am learning more LSL than one might imagine of a fashion blogger.
Along with my easy living and carefree attire, I have come to bond with ZOE, the new skin out from Tuli. She and I seem to be a good fit.
Style Notes:
Hair: Calico Ingmann Tracy - Copper
Skin:[:T:] Zoe / sunkissed :: 04 Electric - [:T:] Zoe / sunkissed / lips :: Ruin
Shoes: BAX Prestige Boots Black Leather
Accessories: ~*INDIE ROSE*~ Ornate Bangles *Green* ; Scooter Jeans Scarf - Medium - tinted Olive; DECO - Swank Glasses - Mustard
Poses by:
I think a lot of folks this week were either thinking past or future outfits.