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Out of Character

I don't role play. I honestly don't get the role within the role within the role thing -- BUT, I absolutely love the gear and often the locales.  It is kinda like the folks that love role play put more of themselves into their creations. And that simply CANNOT be bad!

This is the helmet and wings in gold (silver is also available) from AD Creations for the Angels or Demons event. If this is your style, the price is fantastic at the event. Pieces are sold separately.

New hair (and hairbases which bode well for period "do"s are at Vanity Hair.  This is great hat hair -- or in the case above -- helmet hair. I took a lot of photos of this hair, from the front, back etc. Just when I thought I was done, I got back to my viewer window and this shot was there; perfect. This is Besame.

Poses by: Diesel Works


AlizaKaru said…
:****** ty as always

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