Travels in My Mind

Where have you been? Where are you going? What worlds do you want to explore?
Dreaming ....
From Decor Junction and Shutter Field the DJ / SF Trunk Seat - old leather. Three other versions are available at On9. Lots of nice animation for both singles and couples.
Clutter - Books and Shoes (pre-release ChiC buildings). Magazines ChiC buildings
New at the 90's Throwback "Rewind" Event, the Kurtney Slipdress in many colors as well as a transparent version for each hue. Slink, Maitreya and standard sizes. From BAIASTICE.
Fittingly in the "rewind" department these oh so pretty nylons from alaskametro at On9. I don't actually remember ever wearing nylons with seams -- they may have come back into style after I gave up wearing nylons altogether *wink*, but I DO remember my mother wearing them and having me check her seams for straightness. Very sexy. Various colors and applier are available.
Hair: Mousse by eXxEsS
Poses by: the trunk seat and Vista Animations