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Looking Towards Tomorrow

Looking Towards Tomorrow

I am slowing moving into my new place. Actually I am mostly WORKING in my new place, but since that's what I do, it is a much nicer environment.  I grabbed my no copy telephone poles (I happily have a backup besides) and placed them outside my window for vista.  The snow is gone and it is now desert country in the Fall. The vibe is a bit like Warehouse 13, the television series. 

Fashion notes:

From fame femme at Cosmpolitan, the Vera Cropped Top  and Shorts. Slink and Maitreya fits.

From .:Avanti:.  the Aeva Choker - Brown version, also at Cosmopolitan.

Ring: (Kunglers) Assira

Hair: eXxEsS : VANILLA

Warehouse by NOMAD at Draftsman

Nails: alaskametro

Poses by: Di's Opera and Status


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