There are plenty of great new releases out. Pick your favorites and make your own statement.
Here are some of my favorites.
From Newchurch at Cosmopolitan:
Flatiron Console, Antique Pine
Flatiron Framed Prints
Messy Books
From 22769 at Shiny Shabby:
Plants from the Home Dschungel set
From ChiC buildings at Fantasy Faire:
Perry Piper - Reader Chrome
From [[ Masoom ]] at Cosmopolitan:
String top with color change hud for leather and stones. Maitreya, Belleza and Slink fits.
Also at Cosmopolitan, from TUKINOWAGUMA Hoya hair (small, low, wrapped pony in back).
And from MEVA, some great Bento rings also at Shiny Shabby. Super easy to use, all rings come together and you can make the ones you want invisible as well as change metals (gold or silver) and some stones. I am SO happy MEVA is making some jewelry again -- especially since my old rings of hers don't work on my new hands :D. Woot.
Look for Bento Boho Rings.
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