Vintage Lingerie

A super pretty vintage lingerie set is out at this round of Cosmopolitan. The -:zk:- Lolly Lingerie and Shoes sets come in many buying opportunities. This is from the big fatpack which includes tons of texture change choices.
For this photo shoot I zipped over to Terradale at the Machinima Open Studio Project where I rezzed my pose ball (20 minute rez) in front of a stylish photo prop, the The Mysterious Laboratory Cabinet from Never Totally Dead (a gacha). With some misty Windlight(R) I was set -- except for the close up.

My Virgila earrings from Kunglers weren't being shown off to their best advantage. Previously, I would have had to switch poses for a better shot.
But now ----
the Amacci Neck Pose Hud with 31 overriding neck poses let's you tweak your profile for the best shots. When Carina Larsen told me about the new hud, I knew it sounded handy, but this is really a must have for bloggers and fashion photographers. Click in the direction you want your head to turn. The arrows furthest away turn the most. Easy peasy!
Look for it at the main store where you can try a demo - or on the Marketplace.
And yes, that is exactly the same pose used in both shots; poseball wasn't rotated either *wink*.
One week later edit: V2 now comes with minimize button as well as a "pose others" versions so great if you are a photographer. Sure I will use BOTH often!
Makeup: alaskametro
Poses by: aDORKable and the Amacci neck pose hud