OMFG Mix 'n Match

I haven't had so much fun in ages! Woot!
After a problematic time with my earlier post (Blogger not happy with new RC viewer it seems and I can't figure out the new Wordpress at Iheartsl -- sigh), I did finally get things posted -- a few hours after my plan. But by then, I was free from the real world, and guess what? I went back.
I bought the assign's cloak, the wings of anchoring free and a couple pairs of boots. I may go back and get the stilettos as the other shoes are definitely sized for guys and while I appreciate the big boot look on others, I'm not too comfortable with it myself.
Anyway with lots of mixing and matching, I came up with this outfit that I love. For like $3 or $4. Hard to believe.

I'm off. EDIT: Stilettos are oversized too. CUTE but BIG :D
Hair by HOH, Pose by LAP.