Say What?

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A-Bomb is having an anniversary sale and there are freebies for both guys and gals. Graphic tees in aqua, a Warren name tag (important for the joke on the tee) and some checked sneakers are all in the gift bag near the door. I am wearing my A-Bomb Melt the Guns capris in teal to complete the saucy outfit. There are sizes and styles for both gals and guys and the shoes have a resize script.
So get on over and do some shopping! There is even a new shirt for the guys on sale and a cute red and snug tank dress on the MM board. Get it while it's hot!
Poses by LAP and ANA_mations.

And while we're on the tees with sayings track, Xia picked up this fun tee and shorts at Symphony Skins while she was hunting for her new look. These have been around awhile I think, but they are still cute if you haven't seen them. Shorts come with and there are versions for blonds and redheads. All three for $1 so you can change your shirt with your hair.
Pose by LAP.