Sunday Quickies

Going through today's Fashcon notices, I found:
A gorgeous Rez Day gift from WhoNose at the Monkey Mall. Not easy to get to but definitely worth it, follow the beam and be quick as this satiny rose beauty is only up for a few more hours. It's on the wall, but if you miss it, you can most likely pick up the full skirted charmer for a buck.
Behavior Body has three chair props with poses out -- $1 each for a week. They are sized for smaller gals and didn't work well with my six foot stature, but if you are more "normally sized" *wink* they are definitely worth checking out. Find them around the corner by the props. There are other gifts there too! Shoes while new appear to be no longer available. Another avatar gone from us. Sad.
Black Opal has two sets of vintage clothing for guys and gals. The version for women includes longer skirts as an option, but you know me. The red version is just out, so be the first on your block to have it :D. A sans jacket version is also available for guys that don't want to dress up THAT much *wink*. Find the sets prominently displayed in gift bags when you first enter the store.
Poses by Tuli and LAP.