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Emerald Viewer: WTG Guys!

I have been on the sidelines from the beginning of the Viewer 2.0 beta. Not willing to go there, even to peak -- especially after so many friends and blog entries were adamantly against it after trying. Everyone seemed to love the new FEATURES and hat the fact that we were being asked  forced to relearn pretty much everything.

So I was very pleased to see a "our road map" link come up from Emerald when I logged in this evening. For those interested here is what made me SO happy. Note that in the time it took me to post this note, the Emerald news was replaced by a long list of SL issues and resolutions so it would have been VERY easy to miss this. Timing is everything as usual.

Regarding our intentions, people keep asking about whats the plan with Emerald, so here is the general outline:

We are currently working on combining the current Emerald feature set with the Snowglobe 1.3 sourcebase, once finished we will backport all the more desirable features of "viewer 2.0" such as tattoo and alpha layers, inventory links, etc.

When a more stable viewer, 2.1+ is released, we will probably re-base to that version, but either keep the 1.23.5/Snowglobe 1.3 esque user interface, or possibly make the new 2.0+ interface optional, so you can choose what you like.

Read the full article at the Emerald blog.


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