Alchemical Gardening
It has been raining for two days straight in my neck of the real world. The plants are happy, but me? Not so much. But disappointing weather and a gift lead me on an adventure this morning. Now I can garden any time I feel like it.
Click any photo for a high rez version.
It all started with a DSN gift from Alchemy Cyannis. The Soothing Elementals Bowl is wonderfully made and a great accessory for you home. Feng Shui aficionados will be very pleased. Menu driven and with a large assortment of goodies with which to fill the bowl, there is sure to be something to your liking. The even better news is that all of you can get one of these on the current Midnight board at the Alchemys Attic shop.
There are plenty of wonderful things to see at the shop. I hadn't been there in a long while so exploring was in order. I found a wonderful gardening bench outside, but could not find the vendor that held it. I will say that while all the items are VERY lovely at Alchemys Attic, shopping isn't all that easy. I understand that vendors can send updates and redeliver products easily, but they have never been and will never be my favorite mode of shopping. I like the click it and buy system *wink*, and I can't tell you how many things I tried to see the price of in the cute shop.

Gifts abound, so look around. The candle warmer was a present for answering a short survey. Find the table with the floating text, click on the paper and make a few menu choices.
I took lots of photos of the bowl, but this post turned into more than I was expecting. This pine cone grouping is only ONE of many choices.
Since I couldn't find the vendor for the Bittersweet Creek Potting Bench I turned to Xstreet . Typing in a designer's name is a often a great way to find their products. Well, not for MY products. Chic hangs head sheepishly as she has very few items in her Xstreet box. Note to self to work on that. Anyway, in this case it worked beautifully. I found the potting bench and it was even on deeply discounted sale. Yeah!
[Update: I went back looking for single plants and other goodies and FOUND the potting bench vendor. It is here. ]
I read all about it and found it was also a temp on rez product. TPing over to Winterfell, I reread the covenant to find that memory served me well and no temp rezzers are allowed in the nine sim complex. You can see from my post, I purchased it anyway. I was "hoping" that it may have the same option to make the object real prims as the elemental bowl has. Alas, that isn't true. So, for now, I can only enjoy my bench at a friend's property or in my studio (not very aesthetic *wink*).
The tools and animations worked very well. You are supposed to be able to move 10 meters away from the bench and still have things work. I had no problem watering plants about that distance away. While you can turn on ALL the props at once easily, you can also pick and choose which things you would like on and around your bench. You can move the items (within a certain distance of course) and save that setting. I haven't tried that, but I probably will.
The bench (table sized) has many choices of textures, all very nice. You can set the bench to owner only, group, or everyone. And of course there is an option to empty the bench when you are done. All of the plants and props are lovely. My only regret is that I can't use any of this in my virtual garden space. I have the prims. I'd be willing to use them for some of these lovely items. So, perhaps, in the future and if it isn't too much work, the option to have things rezzed as real objects will be added in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and leaving a note at Xstreet.
Style notes:
MM board photo - see previous post
Hair: Amacci Paula ~ Deep Copper Tipped Brown
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Eva (tone 5/br) 10a
Clothing: *G Fields* Off-shoulder Chiffon Tops shirt -plain/green; E! - Eclectic Apparel Flower Overalls
One last photo from the late afternoon. Digging was lots of fun. Notice that some of the times have changed on the bench. Meanwhile Blogger seems to have changed the way the photo upload is done and I am thinking that this photo look OVER compressed and grainy. Not good. Will have to check on that. The file size appears to be the same but the quality of the files -- not so. Only time will tell if this is consistent.
Update: For those of you in Blogger, here is the link to the new features. Also note that we now have caption capabilites. The date on the post is almost a month ago and it just magically changed for me this eve. The world is full of surprises.