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Icicle and Silver

In today's gift spotlight we have Exodi. A huge pack of Sienna - Icicle skins is in today's gift box under the patio tree.  Four skin tones, two brow colors and other options make this a special present. The sparkly eye makeup is festive and I love the cool pale lips.

Happily I received some items yesterday from Lar's Workshop, an eclectic store taking up two shops in the quaint Steampunk shopping village at Verdigris. In the mix along with some fun fantasy furniture and jewelry were several prim bikinis. I am wearing the silver one in these shots. The pieces are click resize and since they cover so little *wink* they will probably fit most avatars. You can pick up a free demo in the shop or at the marketplace.

The prim work is very nice and while I can't say that they feel "comfortable", they definitely make a statement (smile). While it looks like I am standing by the icy harbor in next to nothing, I am actually inside a building -- as far as others are concerned anyway. Thank you oh great dev who invented derender. My life is so much easier now.

Click on any small photo for a high rez version.

Style Notes: 

Hair: Amacci Hair Carletta ~ Graphite
Skin: :: Exodi :: Sienna Vivante - Icicle (Lt)
Amacci ~ Eyelashes "Allure" - Black
Clothing: LW::Silver Swirly Metal Bikini

Poses by:BehaviorBody


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