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Accented Neutral

Bright hues on cool snow. Ah the things we can do and not get cold in our virtual world. This Tiny Dancer set is from Blonde&Blonde on the Marketplace. Note that the gray background color of the top almost matches my skin *wink*. It is NOT see through.

The WOMENstuff hunt has started. I have not decided if I'll be doing it as I have an issue with paying hunt organizers -- and a lot of that is cropping up these days. That doesn't count MadPea hunts of course which give you an adventure game as a bonus; I am so addicted!

Still there are plenty of great things to be had on the 200 stops I am sure. This is the prize from EMO-tions. Doris comes in both white and black for the hunt.  I don't have info on which of the EMO-tions stores is in the hunt, but you'll find out.

Pose by: aDORKable


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