Hop and Shop Hot Picks
Gifts abound at the Hop and Shop! Here are just a few of the looks you can put together. Shoes while not featured here are in abundance!
[The Forge] Nyx Harness, Black (Aurelian)
AZOURY - Sagesse Hat Onyx (Aurelian)
AZOURY - Sagesse Earrings (Aurelian)
alme. Fancy Glitter - Blue (Guilded)
Atreum - Ruffled Cropped Top with hud [Sorry, this was apparently traded out. You can still get this super cute top at the Atreum store with free group.]
Blushed - Spooning Earring with hud (Guilded)
bonbon - hair GIFT with optional candy and huds (Golden)
Seniha. Lorea Dress with hud (Halcyon)
[[ Masoom ]] StarLight Necklace (Guilded)
Vanity Hair:Monaco with mini-hud (Tinsled)
ALTAIR* sukebe knit .gold - also silver version (Tinsled)
OXIDE Danii Earrings with hud (Halcyon)
alaskametro has some very pretty nail appliers out as well as some applier and system clothing
Poses by: Helamiyo, Behavior Body, oOo, aDORKable