12 Days Gifts

Now I am not traditionally a red and green, holly and mistletoe kinda gal, but I really love this perky little outfit from Les sucreries de Fairy, Emily. It is one of several dresses you can win via gacha at Cosmopolitan this round (ends Saturday eve).
The 12 Days calendars (and variants) start tomorrow (eBento is in day 2) . You might want to add these stops to your Advent gathering lists.
12 Days
eBento Event - Dec 10 to 25 (free group - various designers - you need to be VERY close to click)
Altamura - Dec 12th - 25th (gifts each day with mesh head gifts at the end. (group - small fee)
JUMO - Dec 12 - 25th plus New Years (no group required)
Hair a gift from MINA at FaMESHed (free group)
Pose by: SEmotion