We Interrupt This Programming
I am "reprinting" this comment from this morning's SL forums. Perhaps it will add a bit of perspective for those who are feeling the current pressures of life, both real and virtual. The topic being discussed was whether to stay in Bellisseria and wait for newness to arrive -- or not.
While I left Belli in mid April when my Premium was up (and primarily because I didn't want to "agree" to Tilia) I was definitely in the We Love Belli chorus for a long while. You know that. And I certainly understand everything that has been said here.
From that larger looking from a distance viewpoint, the Belli predicament is just one instance of our general inability to "move forward". Many of us are feeling it these days, at least most of my virtual and real life friends. Now I know some of you believe in the power of the planets (or the order of the Universe or whatever you might call it) and others do not. But either way it is interesting that we are currently in a Mars retrograde period (from Sept 9th).
I didn't actually know when the Mars retrograde started. My go-to astrologer has gone over to the dark side and can't seem to say more than a paragraph on actual astrology without delving into COVID or conspiracy. So I went to Google and asked. At the top of the list was a website with this comment:

If I still had my astrology website I would have been echoing these words.
It isn't just Belli and it isn't just Second Life and it really isn't just being locked up more or less in our homes. Cause and effect and cause and effect, it goes round and round. For many of us Second Life is an extension of our real lives. We are pretty much the same people here and there. So all that real life angst gets reflected to us when we log in each day.
Sure, we can have sunshine when it is dreary and rainy outside, sure we can have gorgeous bodies and perfectly coiffed hair, but those "me" parts of ourselves are still dealing with things here in our virtual world. You can see it in the lackluster (not all mind you but a very high percentage) of new releases at events. You can see it in disappearing brands and people on "hiatus". We get to DEAL in our world sitting in front of the computer; we get to deal with it as we drive our virtual cars along mountain roads. We simply can't escape it.
I would really like to say that the stars are on our side, that things will get better --- and they will eventually, I have faith in that. But it is going to be a long road. We need to have patience and trust in ourselves and each other. The stars are telling us that it is going to get worse before it get's better. They set that story in stone with their movements when the world began. It is our time to "toughen up", be strong and CARE FOR ONE ANOTHER.
On a personal note, I thank Marianne for this thread. It helped me back on a better path, one where I will LOOK at the information rather than trying to avoid it -- one that will hopefully get me moving forward purposefully in mid November.
While I left Belli in mid April when my Premium was up (and primarily because I didn't want to "agree" to Tilia) I was definitely in the We Love Belli chorus for a long while. You know that. And I certainly understand everything that has been said here.
From that larger looking from a distance viewpoint, the Belli predicament is just one instance of our general inability to "move forward". Many of us are feeling it these days, at least most of my virtual and real life friends. Now I know some of you believe in the power of the planets (or the order of the Universe or whatever you might call it) and others do not. But either way it is interesting that we are currently in a Mars retrograde period (from Sept 9th).
I didn't actually know when the Mars retrograde started. My go-to astrologer has gone over to the dark side and can't seem to say more than a paragraph on actual astrology without delving into COVID or conspiracy. So I went to Google and asked. At the top of the list was a website with this comment:

If I still had my astrology website I would have been echoing these words.
It isn't just Belli and it isn't just Second Life and it really isn't just being locked up more or less in our homes. Cause and effect and cause and effect, it goes round and round. For many of us Second Life is an extension of our real lives. We are pretty much the same people here and there. So all that real life angst gets reflected to us when we log in each day.
Sure, we can have sunshine when it is dreary and rainy outside, sure we can have gorgeous bodies and perfectly coiffed hair, but those "me" parts of ourselves are still dealing with things here in our virtual world. You can see it in the lackluster (not all mind you but a very high percentage) of new releases at events. You can see it in disappearing brands and people on "hiatus". We get to DEAL in our world sitting in front of the computer; we get to deal with it as we drive our virtual cars along mountain roads. We simply can't escape it.
I would really like to say that the stars are on our side, that things will get better --- and they will eventually, I have faith in that. But it is going to be a long road. We need to have patience and trust in ourselves and each other. The stars are telling us that it is going to get worse before it get's better. They set that story in stone with their movements when the world began. It is our time to "toughen up", be strong and CARE FOR ONE ANOTHER.
On a personal note, I thank Marianne for this thread. It helped me back on a better path, one where I will LOOK at the information rather than trying to avoid it -- one that will hopefully get me moving forward purposefully in mid November.