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Tis unlikely that there are folks here that remember the bombing of Pearl Harbor. My mom remembered the day. She was in school and they called an assembly. It probably didn't make too much since to her then. 

More remember when Robert Kennedy was shot and most everyone when the towers fell. These are the events that mark a generation. 

I had a relative at Pearl Harbor. He was in the navy and on  ship but apparently not the Arizona. He survived but just barely -- waking up in  mass grave before burial.  That's the story he told anyway and I have no reason to doubt him.   

For many years I took note of December 7 each year it came onto the calendar, but lately there have been so many other events it has drifted into the mists somewhat.  So I was glad to see this memorial pop on the newly added section of the Destination Guide.

On thing we CAN do in SL is remember.  

This got me thinking about the 9 11 memorials that were held in Second Life. They seem to have disappeared or perhaps I have just been too busy with December to notice in the last years.  The one that stood out for me  --- and happily I found it in my blog diary complete with photos was the firefighters remembrance. 


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