Magic and Romance
Who doesn't love magic and romance? If you are a reader of steamy period novels or simply someone who enjoys imaginings in long ago-far away land, the Magic and Romance hunt is for you. There are many lovely gift for the finding. This gorgeous gown from LVs &co is one of them. I'm not a big gown fan, but I do enjoy period garb. There something about pretending to be the damsel in distress that balances my periods of tough girl times. The textures are lush, the detailing lovely. If you love red, you will be in heaven.

Style notes:
Hair: [V] Vignette Sophia Onyx
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Eva (tone 4/bl) dec VIP gift
Clothing: LVs &co-magic & romance hunt gown
Accessories: DECO- Maraschino Necklace