RFL Clothing - Baiastice

Baiastice offers two formal styles in their RFL donation kiosk. Elegantes plumes comes in both red and midnight hues. Gloves are included. Happily this lovely dress was perfectly accompanied by a new Accessories Fair release from Haunted Zulu. The Black Crystal Bloom Necklace and hair flower add an exotic touch to this lovely gown. The dress comes with fine plumage for the bodice if you wish to forgo jewelry.
click any photo for a high rez version
A touch of the exotic is evident in this design. Milan was my choice of locales. Classic and elegant, this woman has secrets. Will she tell them? Most likely not.
The hair in this outfit is a new release from the A sisters (Alli&Ali) called Brody. It is billed as a style for men but of course looks great on the gals too. The black version is a group gift. A dark brown version is free at the voting board (new main store).
The second RFL donation dress is a sassy asymmetrical short skirted number called Veronica. Fabric flowers add accents to the satiny sculpty skirt. Another RFL color is Fuchsia. Two skirt versions are included.
This photo was taken on the walkway from the main TP point to the Milan sim. And as luck would have it, that is where the Baiastice store is located. No, I didn't know that until I received a notecard with designer locations. Sometimes our intuition is good :D.
Additional style notes:
Bottom hair: Exile Fastball Eclipse
Skins: top - []::Tuli::[] Eva (tone 5/bl) 05a bottom - []::Tuli::[] Eva (tone 5/br) 06a (prereleases)
Shoes: Juicy Slingbacks - Blackberry
The poses shown are from a PhotoGraphique unreleased set and will be available at the upcoming 2010 Pose Fair in April.