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Being True

There has been a lot of fashion dra-ma this past week, both public and behind the scenes. I am heading out in search of a new locale, something I greatly enjoy when the new server codes are in my favor. But, before I do I have a thought or two ----

Are you being true to yourself? Yes, you!  Fashion blogger, content creator, freebie hunter, fashionista -- all of you. And by that I am including myself in each of those categories.

Some of us follow strict standards in real life. For me, those same standards filter over into Phil's domain. I received an IM this morning which mentioned my professionalism. I get a fair number of thank you notes from content creators I have featured, but most of them highlight the "pretty pictures" (and yes that is frequently the wording). I am very happy people like my photos and consider me a photographer as well as a blogger. The rare comment about my work ethics got me thinking.

In the past week I have turned down several "good" opportunities. They were high profile projects; they would most likely have brought me a little fame and glory as well as some lindens in my pocket. When I considered the WHY of my decision to opt out, it came down to the professionalism of the others involved. There were some ethics issues too, not just an assessment of  their abilities to follow through.  I am content with my decisions and will watch from the sidelines.

I would like to suggest that we each take a look at how we work with our virtual peers. Let's treat each other fairly and well. Let's try and do the best jobs we can whatever our roles might be. Name calling doesn't solve anything.  Featuring items you would never wear on your own is most likely not the way to build a blogging readership.

It will be Blogger's Week again sometime next month -- at least that is the current intel. It is a wonderful time for new creators to find bloggers that like their work. Newish kids on the block have the opportunity to connect with some of the high profile designers they would most likely never approach. It is a win-win for everyone. May we enjoy the time, give generously and receive gracefully.

And above all, remember our personal truths.


Anonymous said…
Love this post, in Rl I live by treating others as I want to be treated and I have brought that with my in SL. Any life, be it Rl or SL, is not about fame, money or anything like that - it is about being able to close your eyes and be content with who you are as a person

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