Daybreak - Heartbreak
Whether your heart has just been broken or you are overcome by the beauty of an Italian morn, adding a bit of authenticity to your look fits. KOSH has a new tattoo layer set out called "To Much Stress". The six option collection features two tears and four morning-after type looks. Choose the one that best fits your mood or layer (only in some viewers). You will need a viewer that supports tattoo layers for this of course. Most do now.
If you are in the mood to shed a few tears, you might as well do it in style. These new big, gold round earrings from .:: BeautyCode ::. are appropriately titled and also come in a silver version. Fun and shiny, they go perfectly with the current subscribo gift from Indie Rose. It comes with a cute tie belt and lace trimmed peplum.
Style Notes:
Hair: Dura Group Gift (04/2011)(Strawberry)
Skin: [:T:] Zoe / sunkissed :: 06 Brass; KOSH- TO MUCH STRESS -drama-
Clothing: ~*INDIE ROSE*~ Cowled Silk Blouse (j) {Yellow}
Accessories: .:: BeautyCode ::. BIG GOLD ROUND EARRINGS
Poses by:LAP