HGE Finds
There are literally many hundreds of items to choose from at the Home and Garden Expo. Here are a few that caught my eye. And, I should let you know that you can do your pre-shopping perusals on the website where many items are listed. Not everyone has been good little boys and girls though, so don't consider the listings ALL there is to see -- by any means! Each merchant has a full array of items for your shopping pleasure.
One of my favorite donation items is this Kaerri Garden Piano which comes WITH grass and all the plants. It isn't for those on a prim counting budget (27) but oh so cute. And if you ARE on a prim budget you can opt for the very cheery umbrella planter to the left. It weighs in at four.
You can rough it in style with this texture change cot from .:revival:., a fun store to explore. It comes with many animations for gals, guys and couples.
If you are lucky enough to never have to worry about land impact points, you might want to check out this impressive rockery at Heart Garden Center. Very lovely!
And that reminds me to remind you who DO need to be prim counters ---
there are many gorgeous items at the Expo that are not the least bit light on land impact points. It may be wise to check before you buy. If you find the land impact is not given on the vendor, you can go to the BUILD menu and make sure that " Build - Options - Select On MY Objects" is NOT active. Then you can edit the item you are interested in and see the prim count. Just a hint from your always land impact cautious guide.
And if you are looking for some seasonal color at "weekend" prices, check out the pottery vase and sticks at ChiC buildings. Four colors to choose from. Orange is the RFL donation item.
There is also an impressive hunt item to be had and a dollarbie in the store.
OK. I know this is a vendor photo but I have been working 10 hour days all week and I am TIRED.
My off hours attire consists of Nikky hair by MINA, romper by Ducknipple, shoes by ArisAris and glasses by B&W
Poses by: the cot