Gorgeous Gifts

August is indeed a great month for gifts. Beside The Gacha Garden (see previous post) Cosmopolitan is celebrating a fifth anniversary. Many of the merchants have group presents out and the bounty is definitely worth fighting the crowds. Sami was over on day one and while the sim was full she got in on the first try thanks to her premium status. By now it should be an easier journey.
With plenty of new additions to her inventory, these are her favorites.
Kaithleen's Salty Dress in red
NO.MATCH NO.DIAMOND hoop earrings in red
So zip on over and find YOUR special items.
Another really pretty present is this {what next} Summer Window Box. Both flowers and window box have texture change options and there is a version with brackets as well as the freestanding style shown.
VIP group needed. If you aren't a member, now may be the perfect time to join.
The City Victorian Shotgun House from ChiC buildings will be the RARE prize in an upcoming gacha at Tres Chic later this month.
Drop on by LEA12 (by the beach) if you would like to take a tour.
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