Food To Go

A new food truck has arrived in town courtesy of the 22769 guys. Plenty of tasty breadstuffs and of course COFFEE. The truck is the rare in this multi-piece gacha set available at Gachaland (formerly Gacha Guardians).
On the go food immediately reminded me of the Belly Store gacha from MEVA awhile back. Wandering around my virtual storage locker I find the set; perfect! Now you might not be able find these in the gacha room at the shop as they are not new. Still, fun to remember the days. Nope, I was wrong! Find them HERE and have some fun!
Perfect for the beach and a bikini.
The Blossom Spring Jacket and Dress from HashTag comes in a variety of denims with hud for customization. You can wear the dress alone, the jacket alone or layer. Great fit. Find it at The Chapter Four.
Earrings antique and a hunt gift if I remember correctly.
Hair: no.match - No Aim
Poses by: aDORKable and Pose It