Oktoberfest Revisited

Fall is traditionally my favorite time of the year. Bright sunny days with falling leaves and a hint of crispness that signals the colder seasons for many of us.
There are plenty of celebrations around but Oktoberfest is popular in my area. Add some new releases from No. 59 and a theme was obvious.
Out at Tres Chic Beer barrels perfect for outdoor gatherings or role play environments. The barrels of course give beer to your guests. Lots of types to choose from.
My wardrobe consists of some old favorite, casual and fun with a bit of vintage in the mix.
~Nerido~ Marta Shirt
{MYNX} Used Skinny Jeans
.::Nanika::. Inna sunglasses
And if you are short on space, there are similar wall mount versions at Ultra.
The Beer Tap Planberger ROYAL S1CERT1U8.2 shown in the middle can be found at the main store.
Poses by: Helamiyo and the beer mug