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A Touch of Fantasy

If you are in the mood for stepping out into the Glen and away from the hustle and bustle of the busy norm then the Trompe Loeil - Halfast Hobbit House Cabin may be just what you are looking for.  It is a "primmy" little cutie but comes with lots of charm.   

Seeing this took me WAY back in time when mesh was brand new and before I was blogging for Cory Edo.  I was out wandering around her store -- something we just DID in those days and spotted a build something like this.  I remember that there was a sign saying that the walls were all phantom and that buyers should be prepaid.  Mesh was new and honestly not working all that well back then and physics was definitely an issue. Happily most of those problems are resolved. 

This is a timely release as Fantasy Faire is on the horizon.  I am not planning on blogging officially for FF this year -- partly that event issue (for me) and RFL lost my enthusiasm back when then changed the rules AFTER I paid my hefty fee and decided to build a hotel in Africa with "my donation".  I WILL however journey over and hopefully find a few great builds to feature as I still very much support the creativity found in that long time Spring adventure. 


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