Something Wicca

I am not much into the ghouls and goblins part of Halloween, or the scary stuff or even the candy -- but I do love the magical part of All Hallows Eve. There is a mystery to the time when the walls between life and death blur a bit.
Some perfect for the season new releases include:
lassitude & ennui's Fiona dress - mine is the heather color. Find it at We Love Roleplay. This is a short dress with pretty trimmings and comes in many colors as well as black; Maitreya.
Also at WLRP, KUNGLERS Yvonette earrings - mine are the Amethyst with silver version. Again, many colors so coordinating is easy!
To add a little dra-ma to the mix, there is the new release from Vanity Hair, Diablessa which can be worn with or without the Horris Horns. find these atThe Dark Style Fair.
One of my favorite makeup sets is "Wytch" from alaskametro. Happily there is a companion set for this year, "Black Magic". You can pick this up at the Salem event.