Trompe Loeil - New and Old

This is the Trompe Loeil - Trella Garden Bench PG that can be found at COLLABOR88 and at that old timey C88 price -- we like that! Really good LODs, on off central light and built in plants make it a winner.
If you are looking forward to some more virtual outdoors time, the current Trompe Loeil Superfans offering (one of two of course) is a winner. The deck with attached gazebo area come mirrored in the set as well as the deck. PG animations.
The deck building is 39 land impact and the tub is 12. I had this set up at my mainland lot over by the bridge for awhile. It is really nice on a treelined lot. The build features super long pilings so it can work on a steeply slopped lot as needed. Wear your tag and pick it up almost free; you know the drill.