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Searching Searching

It is one of those times when I really don't have much to show you.  No big dra-ma, no anniversary gifts, my release ducks all in a row. So I did some exploring in the destination guide.  I found a new freebie mall with what certainly looks like copybotted items (name brand skins with an 11 year old avatar listed as creator -- hmmm) and some really horrid stuff that takes me back a decade or two.  I think I will go exploring the other freebie sites in the destination guide and see if I find anything worthy of sharing.

Note: by the time this posted the queue was filled again and I actually came back and took photos here :D. 

IN THE MEANTIME I found this really neat sci-fi themed sandbox.  Very classy.  

A TP board takes you where you want to go. 

And you can build in the stars!    Pretty neat 


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