Risky - Not So Much
Exploration mode has been in force now that I have almost completed my installation and the video is in the can and up on YouTube. Letting my fingers guide me walking through the SL destination guide, I picked Risk City as it looked both interesting and photogenic. It is indeed that and a must see in my book. So many places to explore. Let the teleporter be your means of transport. Pick up a listing of spots and some free goodies from the suitcases at the landing point.
Now, about this outfit ---- If you have been following this blog over the years, you know that I am not a huge fan of latex. But, that being said there are always exceptions. This new release outfit from Gwen Carillon Designs is a sassy little number and I love the bandeau bra that is part of the set. Everything is covered but not all that well *wink* so if you are into baring skin, this is for you. AND, the minute I saw it I knew it would look great with some free hair I found at EMO-tions the other day. When I went to the shop to sign up for the group I did a little wandering and found some gift bags not far from the entrance on the opposite side of the wall where the group joiner is located. There were several styles out for free and this is my favorite. Wild and wacky. Chandra, babe, you need to go pick this up for your new dance career!
Pose by: Vista Animations