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A Touch of Fantasy

The Trompe Loeil  Autumn Cottage is new for COLLABOR88.

Now I KNOW it isn't quite snow season but I thought this cutie would be perfect in that environment. A bit of fantasy, it is as cozy as a cottage could be, perfect for fairies or elves or hobbits -- even for us REGULAR folk.

The two story abode comes in two sizes. I chose the smaller version which easily fits on a 512 lot should that be your need.  At 57 land impact there are still plenty of "prims" to decorate providing you choose smart mesh -- and why would you want anything else?

The roof shape adds lots of character.

The smoke (on -off fireplace) escapes the confines of the chimney convincingly.

Whether snow or grass or the falling leaves of Autumn, this is a great little house for anyone who likes cozy.

That includes ME!

The house does have a bit of a Harry Potter feel and so that is an easy segue into ----

These lassitude & ennui Batty shoes for Wizarding Faire are the most stylish of styles for those that dabble in the arts.

And even if you don't whisper incantations in the dark of night, they are appropriate for all sorts of other stylings. Both Victorian and Steampunk come to mine.

Pose by: aDORKable


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