Baby Blue Newness
This post is brought to you by the color BLUE.
It isn't JUST blue of course, but a plethora of hues to be had.
The Ashton furniture set from Trompe Loeil for FaMESHed includes many pieces. Buy the full set or just your individual accent needs. A big variety of both prints and plains (via hud in most cases) assure that there is a match for your style. PG and A versions are both available.
On the horizon there is a really cute hair out from MINA for We Love Roleplay which opens the 5th of October. There are plenty of color choices by hud. The pony wrap has its own section of the menu for color change. Nicely done!
Also shown are some very stylish Moonchild earrings from Bliensen + MaiTai for the same event. A variety of colors are available including a lovely Red Gold (not a good pairing with cool blue however *wink* ). There are some really stunning items in the B + M Roleplay release and I hope to show you more of them soon. Meanwhile, just hop on over when the event begins.
My cami is from 1 Hundred; look for the All Yours top in a big variety of colors. Tangos included.
Shoes by Ducknipple
Poses by: Diesel Works