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Fall is in the air in my corner of the globe. Though mid August, a few leaves are starting to fall and the feel of the air is definitely a reminder that with an early Spring often comes an early Fall. Since the end of the growing season is my favorite season, that's OK with me. Still, Mother Nature is definitely turning things cattywampus these days.

Out from 22769 ~ [bauwerk], the Water Tower Hangout for TLC's The Garden - Route66 theme. It comes large at 30 land impact or just the top for 10. I wanted it for vista on the half sim country road; I split the difference by sizing the large version down a bit (now 19 li). Since I found some very primmy grasses (18 prims!) and took them down along with the old water tower, I actually saved 10 prims. Such a crafty gal.

Now I know not EVERYONE needs a water tower, but if you have a farm or a city or a roll play area -- what a great niche product. There are furnishings that can be purchased and on the large version you can click on the ladder and rez a prim that let's you climb up. OR you can be lazy like me and just double click - LOL.

And now I am off to see what else might be at the event.


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