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Thrill Me Thursday

I hadn't planned to have any new prose for you today, but Friday night I noticed a VERY old post in my sidebar under "Popular Posts". I like that Blogger feature. It let's me know what you are reading. But, even though I have it set for weekly, sometimes a long ago and far away entry sneaks in.

I remember that one of the Color Palette challenges from a couple of years ago had a post called "Where Does Plum Begin?" It used to show up regularly long after its published date. I surmised that mentioning Pantone in there with Plum might have been the reason.

I have NO idea why this post on jewelry showed up. I actually didn't remember that I used to post those ads on this blog. And boy were those prices cheap! 

So here is to history which shows up at the most unexpected times!

It's OK to relive the past now and then.


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