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Most of us have had a few.  Maybe a few dozen. Maybe a special one to last a lifetime.

There is something about being part of a twosome - a threesome - a manysome (I am a flexible gal).  It let's us see ourselves in the eyes of someone else.

Oftentimes we are too busy banging our heads against the wall, thinking we aren't good enough, pretty enough, smart enough.  "The other" doesn't worry about all that, they most often see the good that we fail to recognize.

From Flowey for MIX,  Zen Sweatshirt - Lover.  A plain version without writing is also available

From eXxEsS -  CELINA, long casual and messy tresses. Full range of color huds.

From Cheeky Pea for FaMESHed - :CP: Cassandra Case Table 
This pattern is Orla.  Many colors and patterns are available.  Table only, no pose.

Maitreya Mesh Body

.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA

Mayfly Eyes

Pose by: aDORKable


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