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Fantasy Faire Opens Tomorrow

I have been SO busy, I forgot I needed a post for today. Never fear, there are many in the queue but Fantasy Faire bloggers (and those of us in there a little early) are not supposed to post our shots until the Fairylands open.

I am indeed enjoying the beauty I type -- relaxing in a lovely spot that I will show you later. Meanwhile I have mixed depth of field and graphics effects to make it almost impossible to guess where I am -- even if you have been there *wink*. I suspect that satisfies the rules.

This truly gorgeous necklace is one of my favorite pieces from the Faire. There are earrings also and a giant texture change hud. The !Musa! Seraph Pendant comes in both short and long lengths (short is shown) and in dark (shown) as well as silver.  Psst!  It is also animated :D.    Oh my!

You can find the !Musa! shop in the Golden Delta sim made by Fallen Gods Inc.  (direct link)


The Golden Delta is a spectacular build and there are some great shops there, so you might want to make it your starting point.

My striking dress is from Beyond Persuasion Design, but that's all I am telling you as I have a big (and steamy) post planned for the future.

If you have a fellow (or are one) you do not want to miss the male counterpart of this dress!

Maitreya Mesh Body

.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA

Lumae - Eirtae skin applier

Mayfly Eyes

Pose by: Beehive


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