Workin' It
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Am I at home on a construction site? You betcha. A few years as a home remodeler and a few more as a home improvement wholesaler makes this a very familiar scene. Some good memories there.
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Even if you don't have your own personal trip down Memory Lane to skip along, you can't help but appreciate the craftsmanship that went into making this Home Improvement Set. The toolbox is the Exclusive.
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Yes, it is a gacha. And yes it is at Epiphany. Look for the SECOND SPACES machine!
My outfit includes older items from:
Beautiful Dirty Rich (Absence of Fear jean applier), CARGO (Ribbed Tanktop), Boots (Alix by K-CODE), watch (**RE** ReVoX MTX Watch) tattoo ( White Widow - Wild). Toolbelt - homemade :D.
Hair: Vera by MINA
Maitreya Mesh Body
.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA
Lumae - Eirtae skin applier
Mayfly Eyes
Poses by: Ma Vie, LAP [nla], Amacci