Eloise Conservatory

While I am immensely happy residing in my off the grid rustic abode, others prefer to live their virtual lifestyles in the manner they would like to become accustomed to in real life. I get that! If upscale, posh and classic are adjective that describe your favorite style, then the Trompe Loeil Eloise Conservatory and Dining Set is for you.
The dining set comes with a choice of three tables, many chair textures and both PG and A animations. The table is large in its default size; I pushed on those corner anchors for this styling.
The conservatory is quite grand and finely detailed. It comes with or without pool (PG or A versions) with the pool version weighing in at 74 land impact.
Plants by Cheeky Pea and Roawenwood
Cake by {what next}
Champagne set by ChiC buildings