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Keepsake Pages

For some of us, blogging is much like a diary.

Looking back reminds us of our lives in other eras. "Eras" of course are shorter in our virtual world and can sometimes last a few months, other times years.  Long ago and far away I spent a fair amount of time in Steampunk land, and two new releases reminded me of those days -- even though they weren't specifically designed to.

Funny how memories are.

From %Percent - Deco Cigarette Machine for LoveFest 2016, a celebration of  H. P. Lovecraft's 126th birthday!  Now I am not a big fan of Lovecraft, but I definitely like the lands devoted to his thematic elements and have a long list of ones I have frequented in the -- OMG almost the last decade.  This "antique" decor item is packed full of charm.

And from lassitude & ennui, a big set of Wicked booties for Enchantment - many colors to choose from of course. Maitreya gals only need to apply and happily I am in that cadre.

These remind me of the Phoebe boots from 2012 which made it though my recent inventory purge (down to 25,000 with no "business alt" and that is sayin' something) and work just fine with mesh bodies of you take off your feet or make them invisible *wink*. Those were about my only shoes that worked when I first got my body long ago :D.

See. Lotsa remembrances from one little photograph.

Maitreya Mesh Body

.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA

Lumae - Eirtae skin applier

Mayfly Eyes

Poses by: Torrid Midnight (NLA)


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