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Who's That Girl?

My Popular Post widget over in the sidebar has been riddled with OLD entries this last couple of weeks. They even change regularly but many are from long ago.

How does that happen?

This is a photo from Fashion for Life in 2014. That is apparently how I looked then. Honestly, I can't remember that time!

We morph, we update, we tweak and we redesign ourselves -- some more often than others, and still we manage to remain true to who we are.

Berry featured a new very inexpensive Catwa head recently. I looked at her photo and had a deja vu moment. It looked much like I remember myself (not this period, but one slightly later that lasted a couple of years).

While I am comfortable with the new me that is now me, I did go over and pick up the demo. And, if some appliers from Catwa come my way (they do now and then and since I am trying to KEEP that inventory at 25,000 -- they of course get deleted) I may give the head a try.

Ya never know. Sometimes you CAN go back!

Just some random thoughts of the eve.


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