From !dM deviousMInd for LOOTBOX (a gacha) , "Samira" Tribal Silks. Dancing girls on summer nights. Soft sands. Exotics. All are wrapped up in this glorious outfit. Chandra has outdone herself with this release. Details abound.
From the notecard:
Each round of gameplay rewards you with a random set of "Samira" Silks. The gacha consists of 2 sets in 8 common colors, for a total of 16 commons. The sets are as follows:
• Bra & Silktails
• OrnamentLingerie
On top of the commons, there are 3 lootboxes to win: The **PEARL** Lootbox, the **TRIBAL** Lootbox and **SECRET RARE** Lootbox.
Maitreya and Slink Hourglass fits.
=DeLa*= Mesh Hair "Maree"
Poses by: Eternal Dream and aDORKable