All About the Pose

I always credit the pose makers in my posts. I know that we cannot make a avatar based picture without them. Still, and even though I make poses and animations, I sometimes really don't pay that much attention to that important link in the creative process.
I have maybe five hundred poses that I have kept over ten years. Some I know the names by heart; some are almost as old as I am and good friends in their own way.
But when I get impressed, I DO get impressed and this new to me pose maker had me shaking my head in a wake up and smell the roses sort of way.
Not only is this EMOZIONE
The pose comes on a high tech rezzer base which has a hide function. While you can adjust the pose BEFORE hiding, silly me -- I skipped that. So I used my hover height controls and that worked just fine. There is also that show transparent to find the base if you lose it; I did among the grasses -- again, silly me. But I DID get a lovely shot and we all know that's the important thing!
There are other poses in this Cosmopolitan release that I have yet to explore, so you may be seeing some others in the near future.
Other Cosmopolitan Event releases in this post include:
[Canimal] Hayden shirt and skirt with color huds are casual attire for the country but keep that girlie part of the equation.
Ricielli's REYNA Boots can pair with skirts or pants with ease. Lots of pretty colors, these are a great basic for your wardrobe.
My hair is a new release from no.match, no religion. It features a fun oversized side pony tale. Find it at On9.
The fireoven by Mushilu, a great addition to your rustic outdoor setting. Find it at Tres Chic tomorrow.
Collar (gift) by fame femme from awhile back.