
Now I am an eclectic gal. If it looks good, I like it.
There are a few things I shy away from; piercings for one. There is a story here so I am going to be chatty and share -- simply because folks seem to like my chatty "sharing" posts -- and I love to type. *wink*.
I have been in the Gimme Gacha events for a little while now. They are fun and lucrative for me. I enjoy making "sets" of things with "themes". While not a gacha PLAYER I am definitely an enthusiastic gacha MAKER.
A few days ago in group chat I saw Marcus Inkpen asking how the --- to get to the Guardians. He was much more polite than my texts suggests, there was no "---" in his question as I remember it. The Gimme Gacha events are a little tricky the first time, I remember well. Even if you read the instructions (I did; Marcus apparently did not LOL) it can be an adventure. After that? They are pros over there.
Anyway, I was SO THRILLED to see he would be in the event. I of course perused his offerings and they were lovely. I was excited.
Now venues have different rules for "blogger boxes". Some send them out via a subscription box, other give them out in group, others have them on the walls to be taken with group tags, etc. etc. Gimme Gacha has what the owner calls "kindergarten rule" (I love that). IF you SHARE; you can TAKE.
I rarely put my items up in the blogger room. I am willing to share certainly, but making a blogger box with scripted items with animations is complex and takes time and is NOT fun (for me anyway). Lots of changes; lots of testing. When I went over to see what was in the blogger room, I spyed the box from The Looking Glass.
Well, I bit the bullet and redid ten pose props JUST so I could put my offering up and grab this set. I admit it!
Now my title suggests a variety in this set -- and that is definitely the case. There is fantasy, vintage, occult, some gorgeous mouthwatering woodwork -- and a boom box.
Yes, REALLY! I honestly had to laugh at that. It is a gorgeous boombox, but still -- funny.
I have started rebuilding the Machinima Open Studios Project this week. It will be houses at LEA6 -- next door to LEA7, its previous home. I am two days in and things are looking great. An all new build from its predecessors (this is MOSP 3.0). As happenstance would have it I was thinking about Marcus yesterday as I moved around some brambles he had made and donated to MOSP long ago. These are PRIM (that tells you how old they are) and still looking great. Longevity is a wonderful feature in a product.
So --- if any of this looks like YOU, be sure and venture over to the Gacha Guardians and find The Looking Glass stand.
My attire is from the same event, and surprise ---- it is a gift. Three colors by hud in standard sizing. Look for the BrokenStyle kiosk!
I have a big post of gifts from the event coming this Saturday. My friend Xia will be the star since every time I opened a box I said to myself, "this looks just like Xia". That was an easy choice.
Until tomorrow or so ---
Hair by EMO-tions
Pose by: Helamiyo